The quality of contagion is similar in nature to the cure.1

The dis-ease may not have a shape or form, but it is a term that encompasses the whole organism, for when man is dis-eased, it is on the whole and not just particular regions and organs of the body. And to understand how to cure the dis-ease, it is important to understand the nature of the dis-ease as reflected in man.

Hahnemann’s theory of disease regarding the three basic miasms is crucial to this understanding, because it provides that rare lens that clarifies the most important part of sickness, which are its symptoms, in their totality. The totality of the symptoms, explain the man, the why and how of his dis-ease. 

The nature of his symptoms can be of an acute or chronic nature. And it is the chronic symptoms in their totality, with their periodic recurrence, weakening man progressively, making him feel sick despite all treatment, is what shows the image of the underlying Miasms. Once the nature of the miasm is identified, so does the cure become apparent.

Psora is said to be the fundamental miasm, it is where all chronic dis-ease takes birth. But the inner state, the Vital Force, the energy of man is not as malignantly affected as it is when married with the latter two miasms of Sycosis and Syphilis. Which also clarifies that when the VF becomes tainted with the psoric miasm, it is still in a more manageable state. But when the symptoms are not treated correctly and are suppressed, making man feel sicker, he will fall further away from cure, into another stigmatic layer, which is more harmful than its origin.

Psora is present in its latent form in all human beings, but it is when man attempts to hide his primal state of dis-ease on the emotional or peripheral level by suppressing it, that this miasm is activated. And once it is activated, it will disturb one of the main functions of the human organism, which is the ability to assimilate nutrients, and such is the importance of this one function, that the derangements it shall cause will echo throughout man’s existence. The symptomatology covered by deep acting antipsorics like Calc Carb and Sulphur, shall help us see the psoric image with clarity.

Calcarea Carb is basically calcium, and the constitutional calc carb will suffer from its deficiency, this makes him feel his exhaustion of mind.

While Sulphur in its crude form is an important element needed for healthy skin, but with its inanition in the Sulphur constitution, it makes him too lazy to rouse himself up, and too unhappy to live.

These are the general feelings that are cured by these antipsorics hailing from that primal state of poor assimilation, but let’s see how much more deeper this goes.

The Calc Carb cannot assimilate calcium, so he can take all the calcium he wants, but his body refuses to accept it. This deficient state creates a state of weakness all over, the bones are weak, as a child he is late to walk, but along with that he is slow to processthinking is difficulthe grows fat and chubby but feels exhausted upon every form of exertion, for his core is weak. These are generally over protected children who have rarely been exposed to childhood diseases because every time they get a fever or infection, they are quickly treated with medicines which disallows their immune systems to adapt and strengthen. Hence as this child grows he can’t meet his milestones and a weakness manifests into his whole economy. He may grow up to be an intelligent child but he may foster deep insecurities, anxieties, fears, aversions, irresolution whenever he is under stress. A confused individual who shall give up on tasks that seem to take a toll upon his weak physical economy, quickly making him desperate, apathetic and hopeless. He will shun company, wanting to be left alone, for then he is afraid people might see his confusion.

The Sulphur on the other hand shall feel hungry, for just about anything, he will have an all gone hungry feeling, a desire for food, but without an appetite, his digestive system is too weak, unable to absorb the nutrients from what he eats, so even if he may want it, he can’t have it. The skin will not heal, Sulphur has an unhealthy state of skin, it looks dirty, it itches and burns, the largest organ of the human body that provides the first line of defence from external harm is highly disturbed early on. He is averse to bathing, clothing aggravates the skin, and a state of filthiness runs through. This outer state of vulnerability seems to conform to how vulnerable the inner man feels. The Sulphur is seen to build hopes where there are none, his rags are his riches, he is foolishly hopeful with nothing to show for it. He may be mentally alert, but he lacks the ability to bring any usefulness to his ideas. He is the false philosopher, harbouring a false sense of security, he lives in state of delusion, confused.

Both have an overall lack of vitality, the Calc Carb symptoms aggravate due to cold while the Sulphur shall suffer from the warmth of the room, both unable to regulate a steady body temperature. They can show a lack of reaction after a prolonged diseaseslow repair and a tired economy that is easily fatigued. Psora shall affect all avenues of their life, grief and sorrow shall trigger symptoms and have a debilitating impact. Hopeless and weary of life they can move towards imbecility or insanity.

The Sycotic miasm becomes manifest when the psoric will suffer from suppressions twisting his thoughts towards a more immoral state. Hence sycosis is the result of a gonorrhoeal infection being suppressed, whose poison when the VF is hindered from expelling, it leaves man in a state of self-condemnation and despondence. This state married with psora passes down into generations.

Children will be weepy, clingy, irritable, obstinate. They will always have snufflesear infections, they will have acrid discharges. They smell sour. They will have trouble socialising, going to school, highly sensitive and hard to please.

The man will seem as if an innate sense of guilt eats at him, he feels as if he has done some wrong which he simply cannot correct, that he needs to hide. This delusion will make him suspicious of not only others but of himself too, he self-condemns, he is remorseful and fears salvation causing great unrest. His own fears make him jealous, cunning, and deceitful. Consumed, he becomes forgetful, cannot think, makes mistakes reading and writing, making him highly irritable and angry. His hidden feeling of guilt that needs to be covered makes him want more, to accumulate more, an avarice to vindicate himself. The imagination is highly active, with multiple fears, especially of the dark. An unrest takes a grip over the whole economy, especially the time of rest, when anxious thoughts consume him, nights will aggravate. On the physical level the VF shall attempt to draw out this unrest, in the form of outgrowths like moles, warts, skin ulcers, tumourseliminative discharges that will ameliorate the mental anguish, while suppressions of discharges, like menses will aggravate

If we study Pulsatilla, we see this image in the remedy, with the underlying feeling of insecurity and mistrustconsiders everyone her enemy. She is changeable, so are her wandering pains. Suppressions aggravate, mania from suppressed menses, nights are a time of aggravation, unable to fall asleep. She uses tears to draw out sympathy, she likes to be consoled, she can manipulate yet she will yield if needed, whatever that can help her ameliorate her feeling of insecurity, even to the point of monomania, she will become fanaticaland obstinate warranting her inner fears.

Thuja, is one of the top remedies for ailments arising from vaccinations, showing the characteristic sycotic aggravation from suppressions, imbecility of mind and loss of speech after vaccination. Deeply disturbed mentally, he deludes, he feels his limbs are made of glass and will readily break, this fear perhaps corresponds to the sycotic trait of suspicion, so he can’t even trust himself or it shows his tendency to become fixated. He will think soul and body are separated; he is under the influence of a superior power. He will develop a loathing of life, desiring death yet fearful of it, for perhaps he unconsciously acknowledges that he is deluded. 

The Syphilitic miasm, moves on from the loathing of a sycotic to an automated destruction of life. At its acme, man becomes convinced of dying here, losing all reason he is in the state of extreme hopelessness he can become suicidal. Its origin is in the suppression of the chancre that forms after the sexually transmitted disease. This leads to sealing the poison within, so it festers, making its way deep into the economy, making it hereditary. This stigma can move on into the tubercular diathesis.

Children born with this stigma have a characteristic trait, deformed teeth. They will be prone to falling sick every time a tooth comes in. They will always be seen fighting off colds, which makes them susceptible to being treated for it a lot too, which will perhaps have added implications upon their already sensitive health. Socially inept, sullen and morose, the children will be lacking on many fronts.

The destruction of tissue is a main stay, the only stigma where bones of the nose are destroyedStructural deformities. Violent headaches are characteristic. They are hungry for many things, even indigestible ones. They are easily angered, will have an indifference to loved ones, harbour great resentmentHe feels people are out to get him, suspicious. A very peculiar symptom is, suppression of foot sweat causes an uncontrollable desire to commit suicide, showing a malignancy that creeps into man, he will have a desire to harm. Sundown to sunrise symptoms aggravate. Most of the symptoms in syphilis point towards the body working destructively, while the hopelessness and fears eat away at him within.

Mercurius, an anti-syphilitic remedy, shows the characteristic syphilitic state of mental dullness that is coupled with a depression of spirits. Yet there is great tendency to become overexcited, causing restlessness and a state of hurryHurried and rapid talking. Thoughts seem to be out of control, his suspicious nature is destructive, he desires to kill the person who contradicts, great desire to murder, uncontrollable desire to commit suicide, desire for death with indifference. Disgust of life. 

Then if we look at Nitric Acid, the substance itself a corrosive in crude form, it corresponds to the same corrosive nature of the dis-ease man. His tears are acrid, has excoriating catarrh, stools, ulcers that corrode, violent headaches, teeth become loose, hair falls out. He is weary of life but fears death, deep lines of suffering characterize the Nitric Acid face. It is a remedy full of resentment, constantly thinks of past troubles, anger, discontent with himself, with a great weakness of memory, aversion to mental work. This destruction within makes the female susceptible to abortions, for the body is in a state of general weakness, the male’s genitals have corrosive ulcers, creating a disability to reproduce. And hence this remedy covers the syphilitic miasm that takes a person into a total self-annihilate mode.

All italics sourced from the following references:

Guiding Symptoms of Materia Medica by C Hering

Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy by J.T. Kent

Lectures on Materia Medica by J.T. Kent

Principles and Art of Cure by Homeopathy by Herbert Roberts

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