The study of the Syphilinum nosode derived from the syphilitic virus, reveals throughout its symptomatology a plethora of destructive signs that show up in a progressive manner throughout the life of the individual from the time of his birth and all the way into his adulthood, showing also the syphilitic miasm to be present in this person.
Kent describes this nosode to be of great value as an intercurrent remedy, when it is used during the treatment of a person who had syphilis in the past,
Whenever the symptoms that are representative of the patient himself have been suppressed in any case of syphilis, and nothing remains but weakness and a few results of the storm that has long ago or recently passed, this nosode will cause reaction and restore order and sometimes do much curing.1
Although this nosode may not necessarily be used to treat syphilis the disease, but an individual who is influenced by the syphilitic miasm or a suppressed case of syphilis may benefit from it, given the symptoms match the provings.
Robin Murphy writes in his Keynotes on Materia Medica,
Case: child 3 months – since day of birth child has been screaming all the time, except while eating or sleeping. No cause could be found by specialist, sedatives prescribed, didn’t work, parents spent many sleepless nights- neighbors were disturbed, there were no symptoms, Cham, Cina, gave no effect, homeopath prescribed Syphilinum, 3 doses- after second dose child fell asleep.2
This example may show the beginnings of a cycle, for Syphilinum has all these derangements of normal functions that are the crux of a healthy life otherwise, for instance most of his troubles begin from sundown to sunrise1. When put in perspective the inability to relax during the time of day that all human beings are intrinsically programmed to do so, would mean a disruption of all those bodily functions that are meant to take place during that time of rest, and the individual shall face health problems due to such a disruption.
He dreads the night and dreads the morning1, for the night brings restlessness, inability to sleep, while the morning commences with the weakness and soreness1 brought on from that state of unrest.
She fears to prepare for night and is positively in abject fear of suffering, in form of exhaustion, on waking. 1
Syphilitic headaches are violent, there is destructive ulceration everywhere.1
Weakness prevails in this remedy, there is a paucity of symptoms in progressively emaciating individuals, who have a despair of recovery, melancholia, weakness of memory, fears he is going insane 1. These individuals become indifferent to everything1, even their loved ones, a faraway feeling, with apathy and indifference to future.1
They have violent neuralgic headaches, another condition that seriously impairs one’s ability to be productive. They develop an aversion to food, the appetite is perverted, all food disagrees, no desire to eat,1 all these basic dysfunctions show how the destruction will commence.
The body that houses the soul slowly crumbles away, the bones are affected, the skin is unhealthy, the organs are in a slow decline, while on the mental plane he may fall into a despair of recovery.1
A great sense of insecurity prevails, which he may or may not agree to, but it becomes evident from his overly cautious behavior, Vithoulkas mentions in his Essence of Materia Medica, they will wash their hands 50-200 time daily, will wash his clothes for fear he may have soiled them.3
What is it that may be deduced from such behavior? He will ask “Am I crazy?” and he wants to hear “no” as an answer to that question.3
His inner state is going through a continuous process of destruction and that is what he seems to be projecting outwards, hence believing that there is something from outside that is trying to attack him, so he becomes fearful.
It is interesting to note that this nosode is recommended to be used in the higher potencies 1 perhaps given the nature of its deep effect upon the mental plane, which seems to be the seat of this sickness.
Now if one views this ruthless destruction of self and all selfhood in a broader context, it is a perversion that has imbued all modern-day society. One can easily observe how a person is first led into believing that the body is weak, fragile, and prone to destruction. Then methods are sold to strengthen the body when in reality these only make a person weaker. A person may look fine, but he doesn’t feel fine. The pursuit goes on for that which keeps on weakening the inner strength of the human being by alluring him towards transient fixes that just appear to be fine.
One remains oblivious of knowing what truly one’s ailment is or what is meant by healing, the sacredness of the self, and its connection to all that surrounds it, has been lost and an otherwise self-healing and self-subsisting mechanism destroyed!
A small example lies in the fact how we use hand sanitizers to kill the so-called harmful bacteria on our hands, not being aware of several facts. Firstly, that the sebaceous glands present on the skin create sebum that is a natural antimicrobial serum released by the body to protect us from the truly harmful microbes. And secondly, the ingredients contained in many of the hand sanitizers that we so generously apply considering it a healthy habit, are extremely harmful for human usage. But the fear of everything pervading in this society, creates an extreme anxiety about every little thing, so a disconnect with all that is “out there” develops, and the person almost insanely begins adopting a lifestyle to save himself from that which is “out there to get him.” If this paranoid person fears the hostile bacteria is within him, he will stop at nothing to begin destroying himself so he can kill the alien bug within.
He always says he is not himself, and he cannot feel like himself.1
Our clarity of thought and the ability to reason has been seriously impaired and Syphilinum perhaps displays the result of this perversion. The sick individual becomes a threat to himself because of his own fears eating away at him like a virus.
1-Lectures on Materia Medica by JT Kent, Lecture on Syphilinum
2-Keynotes on Materia Medica by Robin Murphy
3-Essence of Materia Medica by George Vithoulkas, Syphilinum
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