The great homeopath, Dr James Kent explains about Silica the remedy, the action of Silica is slow, yet deep and profound. This remedy may hence be needed for one whose bodily functions have slowed down in a way that their power to react has been affected, this may be due to poor assimilation of nutrients in the body. This may cause an internal weakness, for example Silica is a great remedy when a splinter gets lodged into some part of the body, but the body seems to be lacking the natural response of expelling the foreign object from itself, in this case silica helps quicken this expulsive action. The system becomes sluggish and obstinate, and so it is on the mental level too, there is a state of rigidity, one is unable to bend or rather adapt to circumstances. Interestingly this mental obstinacy in the emotional sphere causes a need for external support, the silica individual finds him or herself unable to cope with situations due to lack of adaptability and they tend to become dependent upon others around them. The mind also develops fears out of this weakness of mind and body, a sense of embarrassment about ones condition, so an overtly yielding disposition is noticed, for they fear being judged for this state and think it better to just yield. Silica is a wonderful remedy that sets straight the physical debility one may feel due to mental stresses, it is seen to help people in the public sector, doctors, teachers, lawyers, that were once great at their work but they become overburdened over a period of great hard work having succumbed to the pressures. If indicated this remedy may work wonders for the one in need of it, bringing him or her back into life!

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