The three very basic remedies in homeopathic prescribing are also one of the first remedies to be proven by Samuel Hahnemann and their extensive use over centuries have proven the profound effect they have upon the individual’s mind. These three may occasionally be used in succession to each other when the individual’s system is in need of a constitutional boost after being treated over a period of time with other remedies or to perhaps clear up a muddled case.

Here are some characteristic symptoms of these remedies that I have derived from my own experience to help explain patrons that are new to homeopathy how I may prescribe for my patients by first substantiating the mental or emotional cause behind all the deranged physical symptoms.

Calcarea Carb

Characteristically this patient is someone who has a tendency to be lazy, because he loves being comfortable at all times. Although a very intelligent individual, who can think about various subjects with ease and much clarity, but when this person is pushed out of his comfort zone, it disturbs him. Exertion is highly disturbing to the Calcarea patient, he just wants to be left in his comfort zone and not probed to exert in any way especially when he himself is not inclined to do so. But a normal life requires an individual to be active and exert even when he does not want to many times, he must earn a living, get around to do his chores, socialize with many different kinds of people, all this will inadvertently require the individual to move out of his comfort zone yet this will cost the Calcarea patient much dis-ease. For example a young lady who moves to a new city to join her new job, when she had lived all her life with her family, her ultimate place of comfort, she shall find herself terrified in her new situation given her Calcarea constitution. It is not like she does not want to do something new in her life but she cannot cope with all the new challenges this new situation has posed upon her. Intrinsically she must feel comfortable about things around her to operate normally but thinking about the new job, of taking public transport for that purpose perhaps, being exposed to strangers during that process, trying to impress the boss on top of that, are all new things causing immense anxiety for this Calcarea Carb person because this is all making her exert out of her comfortable state.

Now this aversion to exertion makes her think there must be something wrong with her because her inability to process those tasks which others seem to be doing with relative ease, makes her think she must be going crazy. She is apparently healthy but she can not get over her laziness. This realization will make this individual very fearful and a recluse, she cannot explain her ailment to anyone since she does not want any one else to think she is crazy, but she cannot help stop thinking that about herself and she finds herself stuck in her state of internal misery.

In this mental and emotional state, physical ailments can be numerous, but the most characteristic ones may be, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic constipation, obesity, menstrual issues, dyspnea, anxiety, sleep disorders, etc.


The Lycopodium very beautifully embodies the contrast between the outer man and the inner man, that which man shows to the world versus what he feels. This remedy is hence very rightfully linked to a cowardly natured individual who the world may think of as very powerful because of what he portrays himself as, yet inside he feels extremely inadequate, a coward even. Characteristically, this person has an aversion to taking on responsibilities, he may although be great in social settings because he dotes attention, yet any time he senses that he must take on a serious responsibility, he will start showing distress mentally, emotionally and physically. At the core of his personality there is an absence of confidence which only comes into view when under scrutiny, pressure to perform, or under authority. Yet it is also out of this state of cowardice that they shall end up behaving like a despot over those that come under their own authority. The problem here is that this individual loves being powerful intrinsically, he loves being in command, but he also quickly loses confidence when he must perform especially under pressure. He will usually rely on his subordinates to carry out his chores and those tasks that require him to perform, and in that way he may maintain a false sense of authority around him boosting his false ego. But as soon as he finds himself alone to rely on himself he will start breaking down.

Physical ailments may include a range of diseases, but one of the most affected organs in a Lycopodium is the liver and hence there may be chronic issues with digestion, hypertension, rheumatic affections, etc.


My rags are my riches, the famous mental symptom used to define a Sulphur, is yet another characteristic that entails such depth when seen in a human being. Because the Sulphur individual who one might see as a genius full of ideas, yet his bane is his inability to carry out his great thoughts into the practical realm. So you will meet these individuals who are philosophizing all the time, they will have a chockfull of ideas in their heads, but they do not have the wherewithal to bring any of it to fruition. There is a sense of supremacy in them making them reclusive at times because they think of others to be beneath them for they cannot match their intellectual aptitude, yet on the practical side they themselves are failures beyond measure. Yet there is nothing that can hamper their false sense of ego, so they will go off by themselves and become hermits shunning society, averse to all societal norms, like these individuals will be highly averse to even taking showers because they do not consider it to be a requirement, and if required to do so they may develop a disturbance physically as a result. The Sulphur individual is hard to reason with and the physician may find him to be overtly confidence even of his ailing state of health. Yet the physician who is able to perceive, will not need to reason with such an individual because he can recognize this state as the real disease the individual is suffering from. These individuals get so stuck in this state of superiority that they are unable to become a part of a society that must work together to achieve great things not just talk about greatness all the time.

Physical ailments are spread over a wide range of symptoms from head to toe so a Sulphur must be recognized by the mental state specifically to make sure one is prescribing for the peculiarity of this individual.

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