Every remedy has its own pace, its order of succession. We must bear in mind the order of succession.
J T Kent
Misha Norland writes, “Salt is absolutely essential to life…In certain cultures, including desert cultures where perspired salt needs replenishment, salt had a greater value than gold itself. Without salt one dies.”
(Signatures, Miasms, AIDS_ Spiritual Aspects of Homeopathy.)
Salt (Sodium Chloride) is an indispensable mineral resource for all life on Earth, its percentage in our bodies being equivalent to that of the salt in the ocean (0.4 percent of our body weight) it essentially sustains life. It’s deficiency can cause numerous health issues ranging from nervous and emotional disorders, deranged muscular functions to irregular fluid distribution in the body. Salt isn’t something, that the body produces itself, we must acquire it through external sources and our body has to be in a state to absorb it.
The Natrum Muriaticum (salt) Constitution in Homeopathy,
“One may find an individual growing thin with all the symptoms of salt; he is taking salt in great quantities but digesting none of it. Salt will be found in the stool, for it does not enter into the life… We do not with our small dose supply the salt that the system needs, but we cure the internal disease… and then the tissues get salt enough from the food.”
Kent’s Lectures on the Materia Medica http://www.homeoint.org/books3/kentmm/nat-m.htm
According to the homeopathic principles, the only way for the body to absorb and accept nutrients from external sources is in its dynamized form and that too depending on the body’s susceptibility and acceptability. Any nutritional aid in its crude form will be excreted out if administered while those conditions are not considered.
When the Natrum Mur child is born, it has a need for salt, which if not fulfilled through its dietary sources, will begin affecting its economy in an adverse way. And the first dietary source that the baby has is breastfed milk, which now research shows if not had in the first year of the baby being born, can result into major depression in adulthood (https://www.infantrisk.com/content/breastfeeding-infancy-may-reduce-risk-major-depression-adulthood)
“The character of Natrum Mur, with its great inner sensitivity to hurts and slights… the tendency to brood over past troubles, introversion, emotional and physical dryness, and skin affections are also typically Psoric.”
Misha Norland (Signature, Miasms, AIDS)
As one moves on ahead into the life of this sensitive child, the whole picture gradually begins to form in succession.
On the physiological level, the child who is breastfed, will naturally develop a digestive system which helps it to absorb Sodium and Chlorine from the salt found in the mother’s milk which is a crucial nutrient needed by the body for its essential functions. But there can easily be this underdevelopment if the baby is formula fed which will eventually trigger the distinct nat mur state.
Particularly on the emotional level, if there is an inability to bond with his life-giving source, the child begins acquiring a dissatisfied nature, the reason being the nutritional deficiency or the miasmatic tendency.
“When the mother leaves, the baby cries. If the mother doesn’t pick it up, it will eventually stop crying, becoming quiet and cut off. A mini depression…”
Misha Norland
And as it grows older it will begin to withdraw from the world because the world cannot understand its inhibitions.
“The parent will say that they cannot understand the child.”
(Misha Norland- Signatures, Miasms, AIDS)
For the child’s vulnerability to getting hurt takes over so it will even reject that which it is craving, love and attention will be shunned (rubric: consolation aggravates) hence the parent will let him be, resulting in him getting even less of the nurturing he needs.
In normal developmental stages, when a child wants attention, she will almost always sway the parent or adult with her childlike mannerisms and persuasion. If not that then she will forget the incident by making herself busy with a new object.
Growing up a nat mur, with her inability to show her feelings and relay her needs, she will shriek, throw a tantrum, not allowing to be consoled and will perhaps lock herself away to wallow in her sorrow. She will acquire physical ailments, like headaches in school going girls, with a tendency to develop migraines later in her life too.
Although these children are well behaved generally, it’s the reprimanding that they despise.
Conflict of any sort will inflict lasting effects on their natures.
This senisitive personality further matures to think that the world is just cruel in its ways, so she promises herself to not behave with others in ways that are hurtful to her. It is common to then see a walled off person who will not offer herself in situations where there is a possibility of getting hurt.
“They like to deal with the problems of others but do not become involved themselves.”
(Misha Norland- Signatures, Miasms, AIDS)
They are unable to forget and will take hurts to their heart, they will dwell upon grievances from the past which trickles into their consequent stages of life, as an inability to grow strong emotionally.
“Ill effects of mortification, and ailments after grief… “
(Misha Norland – Signatures, Miasms, AIDS)
Entering adulthood, they will love poetry, music and reading books, whatever helps them secure their inner peace, but owing to their sensitive nature, rejections or griefs are dealt with much difficulty,
He retires to his room; puts on the saddest music he can find… the music is not designed to alleviate his depression, but rather add to it.
(George Vithoulkas- Essence of Materia Medica)
This is similar to the resentment to reprimanding during childhood which makes its way into his adult life, and so one might hear the patient exclaiming,
“I have difficulty forming relationships…” (a case from my personal experience where the Nat Mur personality, was still recovering from having falling in love with a girl older than him in age and due to societal pressure she had to reject him resulting in great grief and his walled off attitude towards building future relationships)
He is an individual who is unable to commit not because people aren’t attracted to him but due to his own fear of getting hurt.
Protecting his emotions from getting hurt he builds a fort around him and becomes an introvert with little inclination to socialize and will always be withdrawn,
…at a party they tend to sit on the side-lines, enjoying themselves by watching others and imagining what they are experiencing…
(George Vithoulkas- Essence of Materia Medica)
The Natrum Mur will be a responsible citizen with a natural inclination to not hurt others in any way, so he will have the personality which people will turn to in times of need, because with his unobtrusiveness he will always be an objective yet sympathetic listener and people are able to derive strength from him, yet he is unable to do that for himself.
Her emotional vulnerability puts constraints on her when it comes to bonding since the need to get emotionally attached is there, (a compensation for the love she has been missing from her life since childhood) so she might develop an unattainable love for a married man and keeps the feelings to herself because now she has in her own way fulfilled her desire to love without the need to commit. Yet this form of relationship will end up causing even more internal turmoil and anguish being unrequited most of the times because she is too sympathetic to admit her feelings in order not to hurt his wife,
This is a repeating cycle of arousal when she meets him- and disappointment when they part.
(Misha Norland- Signatures, Miasms, AIDS)
These cycles of much needed attachment followed by an agonizing detachment shall push her deeper into her introversion now beginning to form a pathology too.
Commonly seen disorders are neurological with the heart also affected by the constant emotional turmoil resulting in arrythmias and palpitations. Gastritis, arthritis, over sensitiveness to noises and smoke, allergies of all kinds also develop. A dryness develops on all levels, physically it will be found in all the mucous membranes, as if they would break (Kent) and emotionally it will seem as if he is too dried up to show any. The great desire for salt becomes notable around this stage too as research has shown that the body’s compensation for low blood sodium is depression ( https://www.nicswell.co.uk/health-news/salt-a-natural-antidepressant) along with an aversion to slimy and fatty food.
As the pathology deepens, these aversions and desires might also vanish where a homeopathist might have a hard time prescribing, due to the already closed nature resulting in an absence of symptoms to prescribe upon.
The closing off may manifest as a fear of enclosed spaces too and a hypochondriacal state arises with fear of microbes probing him to disinfect and clean himself.
As time progresses, there may be seen a form of exhibitionism which was never a part of their personalities, as if the wall they built starts cracking under all the pressure which they cannot withhold anymore. Hysteria sets in, which is not insanity per say but more of a severe loss of control over emotions that were once so tightly packed away from the eyes of the world, now coming into view.
In bitterness they say to themselves,
“This is the way of the world, it’s an uncaring place.”
(Misha Norland- Signatures, Miasms, AIDS)
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